Medieval Ljubljana
Remarkable discoveries, shifting the beginnings of medieval Ljubljana back to circa 1000 AD.
Recent archaeological research undertaken in the centre of Ljubljana has provided answers to many a question regarding its urban development in the Middle Ages.
The focus of the exhibition is on the discoveries made during recent archaeological excavations, which have resulted in the milestones of the historiography of Ljubljana being shifted back. Thus, with the discovery of a wooden pot in Stritarjeva Street, the origins of Ljubljana are moved back to the early 11th century. The leather products uncovered in what is today Krojaška Street bear witness to the early urbanisation of Ljubljana on the right bank of the Ljubljanica River.
Exhibition catalogue
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Represented by Blaž Peršin, 2017/
Project manager and Creator of the Exhibition Martin Horvat/
Collaborators: Matej Draksler, dr. Mija Oter Gorenčič, Andreja Knapič, Katarina Kolar, Elena Leghissa, Rene Masaryk, Ana Pokrajac Iskra, Janja Rebolj, Špela Saje, Irena Šinkovec, dr. Peter Štih, dr. Benjamin Štular/
Reproductions: Archivio Storico Diocesano Udine, Benediktinerstift St. Paul im Lavanttal,
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica Ljubljana/
Conservation and restoration of the materials: mag. Katarina Toman Kracina, Matjaž Bizjak, Alenka Drol, Paola Korošec, Mojca Zver (Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane); mag. Jelka Kuret (Restavratorski center ZVKDS)/
Analyses: Tamara Leskovar (Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani), dr. Katja Kavkler (Restavratorski center ZVKDS)
Photographs by: Matevž Paternoster, Matija Lukić, David Badovinac, Branko Cvetkovič/
Archaeological documentation: Dejan Češarek (Herodot), Zavod NaNovo/
Film: RTV Slovenija/
Adult and children's programmes: Nika Damjanovič, Ema Marinčič, Petra Peunik Okorn, Janja Rebolj/
Medieval Workshop: Petra Peunik Okorn, Nika Damjanovič, Ema Marinčič/
Ilustrations: Uroš Hohkravt, mag. Katarina Toman Kracina/
Quotations: Mihelič Darja, Meščan sem: iz življenja srednjeveških mest, Ljubljana 1996/
Music by: Lado Jakša/
Production: Ana Bastl, Matej Koren, Marija Kovač, RSN Media d.o.o., Nejc Vodeb, Zavod V-oglje,RSN Media d.o.o., Šiško steklarstvo d.o.o., Mizarstvo MM Kovač d.o.o., Propaganda produkcija d.o.o./
Special thanks: Tržiški muzej, Usnjarna Grčar, Grčar Janez s. p., Aligator zaščitna sredstva, usnje in tekstil, d.o.o., RogLab/
Production manager: Irena Šinkovec/
Exhibition and Graphic design: Zavod NaNovo/
Trnaslation into English: Tine Verbič/
Language editing (slo): Katja Paladin/
Multimedia: Propaganda produkcija d.o.o./
Promotion: Urša Karer, Tamara Bregar, Maja Kovač
Gosposka 15
1000 Ljubljana
Information and reservations:
T: +386 1 2412 500
T: +386 1 2412 506
E- mail:,
Opening hours
Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Mondays, 1 January, 1 November and 25 December: Closed
Adults: 6 € / Reduced: 4 €
Family ticket: 12 €
ICOM, PRESS; SMD: Free entry
Press kit
In the Middle Ages, knights mostly belonged to the gentry. They served their feudal lord and in return for payment (or land) did military service and performed other tasks as well.