

POGLED Z DRUGE STRANI, Strokovnjaki, združeni za ohranjanje skupne kulturne dediščine

Spletni katalog ob istoimenski razstavi (2023) laičnemu bralcu ali strokovnjaku prinaša konservatorske zgodbe konkretnih predmetov oz. muzealij, katerih procesi za zaščito in ohranitev so še posebej zanimivi - zaradi svoje ...

OTON ŽUPANČIČ: RISBE »Pinxi me ergo sum – « / »Naslikal sem se, torej sem.«

Katalog ob razstavi 158 risb Otona Župančiča, ki kažejo, da je bilo za enega naših največjih poetov vizualno izražanje enako pomembna notranja nuja kot pisanje.

Ko ste v dvomu, pojdite v muzej

Katalog ob istoimenski razstavi
O zbirateljstvu kot aktu ljubezni z veliko mero odgovornosti.

Knjiga. Znanje. Razum  Od protestantizma do razsvetljenstva (1500–1800)

Monografija s prispevki z znanstvenega posveta ob razstavi Knjiga. Znanje. Razum  Od protestantizma do razsvetljenstva (1500–1800)

History of Ljubljana: From pile dwellings to a green capital

Artefacts, images, and texts, condensed into ten chapters, bring to life the history of Ljubljana, from the prehistoric first settlement to the development of a modern capital and contemporary city.

Iron Greetings from the Sky

Archaeological investigatin and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116

Golden Book of Ljubljana Honorary Citizens

Within it one will find the names of those who have shaped the past, present and the future of the city.

Ivan Cankar: Images from Life

Only in Slovene language

Ivan Cankar

Exhibition Guide

Medieval Ljubljana

Exhibition catalogue

A New Age is Coming! Industry – Labour – Capital

Today it is golden shopping carts that are bringing us to the new age. In the past, privatisation vouchers, large home appliances, self-management, games of military hide-and-seek, the earliest trade ...

EMONA A City of the Empire

Exhibition Catalogue


Exibition guide

Memories and dreams of Kristine B.

A comic strip story about the city of Ljubljana and its inhabitants in the period from 1941 to 1945.

Lace, one woman's pittance, anothar woman's prestige

Lace - a decorative openwork of thread made with needles, knitting needles, bobbins, crochet needles or shuttles.

Wheel, 5200 years

Exhibition guide

Metamorphoses of Auersperg Palace

A long and picturesque history of Auersperg Palace in Ljubljana.

Emona MM

Urbanizacija prostora - nastanek mesta

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