
Book. Knowledge. Reason., From Protestantism to Enlightnment (1500-1800)

Exhibition Catalogue

Catalogue brings numerous texts by various authors and Catalogue of items. It sheds light on the intriguing period from the first Slovenian painted book to the Age of Enlightenment at the the end of Early Modern Period, when crucial cultural and spiritual foundations of today’s Ljubljana were created.

Price: 24,00 €

Publisher: Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, represented by Blaž Peršin, director
Editor: Mojca Ferle
Forewords by: Zoran Janković, Blaž Peršin
Authors: Marko Štuhec, Irena Žmuc, Mojca Ferle, Ana Pokrajac Iskra, Ana Porok, Barbara Savenc, Bernarda Županek, Miha Jeršek in Tomi Trilar, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Language editing: Alenka Klemenc (SLO), Monika Fritz (ANG)
Translation (ENG): Borut Praper
Photographs: Andrej Peunik, Miha Jeršek, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Bojan Salaj, ©Narodna galerija, Janko Dermastja, ©Narodna galerija, Tomaž Lauko, ©Narodni muzej Slovenije, Mitja Žmuc, Mojca Ferle
Illustrations: Jakob Klemenčič
Digitisation: Gorazd Knific, Karmen Brecelj, Matej Satler
Graphic design: GiaDesign
Print layout: Gordan Čuka, Hruška d.o.o.
Printed by: Tisk Žnidarič, d.o.o.
No. of copies printed: 300

Book. Knowledge. Reason., From Protestantism to Enlightnment (1500-1800)