Spatial Concepts of Plečnik's Renovations
Križanke, Šance and the Roman Wall
The exhibition Spatial Concepts of Plečnik's Renovations will present an interdisciplinary project conceived by students of the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana - the Zorec seminar, in which students began researching and analyzing various projects by the architect Jože Plečnik. They dealt with the seemingly paradoxical question of Plečnik's renovations of three monuments: The Roman Wall (Rimski zid), Šance and Križanke, which he transformed into conceptually strong and complete public spaces.
Katalog razstave povzema dvoletno raziskovanje študentov Fakultete za arhitekturo, ki so pod mentorstvom prof. Maruše Zorec in Andraža Keršiča odkrivali in preučevali različne Plečnikove pristope k prenovi. Javni prostori, kot ...