Marjan Gumilar: CUTS
Rather than a classic retrospective overview, exhibition of Marjan Gumilar’s painting at the City Art Gallery Ljubljana thematically revolves around one of the main recurring and constitutive elements in his art, a correlate in the process of constructing the pictorial field – the cut as the functional prerequisite of montage in various positions and pictorial relations, initially a part of his early collages and a method of work in his recent visualizations.
In his more than thirty years of work, Gumilar bypassed minimalism, conceptualism and other trends and phenomena in contemporary artistic practices, avoiding any stylistic determinants that would direct his creative acts and restrict his artistic freedom. Committed to the autonomy of colour and colour abstraction for many years, his art has more recently reduced to confrontations of black and white and their nuances in a constellation of pronounced problematising of the relation between object and painting.
A catalogue includes texts by Tomislav Vignjević, PhD, and Lilijana Stepančič.
Cena:15 €
Število strani: 123
ISBN: 978-961-6969-31-4