Expanding Sculptural Structures
With a selected and refined concept these exhibition and catalogue put emphasis on the structure, form, composition, the variety of themes and materials and spatial possibilities of sculpture.
Featuring artists: Dušan Tršar, Jiři Bezlaj, Saba Skaberne, Vera Stanković, Paola Korošec, Primož Pugelj, Tomaž Furlan and Boris Beja.
Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana / City Art Gallery Ljubljana
Represented by: Blaž Peršin / Alenka Gregorič
Catalogue editor: Sarival Sosič
Text: Sarival Sosič
Slovene language editing: Petra Zaranšek
English translation: Multilingual PRO d.o.o.
Photographs: Matevž Paternoster
Documentation: Artists archives
Design and layout: Ajdin Bašić
Print: Formatisk d.o.o., Ljubljana
Print run: 300
Price: 15 €
No. of pages: 117
ISBN: 978-961-6969-01-7