aša: CRYSTAL C, A place where flowers borrow colours [from those who sing]
© Andrej Peunik/MGML

Match Gallery

Trg francoske revolucije 7
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 24 12 590
T +386 1 24 12 500
E galerija.vzigalica@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Free entry.

aša: CRYSTAL C, A place where flowers borrow colours [from those who sing]

7. 2. 2014–7. 3. 2014

The exhibitions of Slovenian artist Jaša links Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 and Match Gallery, two exhibition venues of contemporary art of Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana. The "exhibition diptych" is connected in content, but each is still an autonomous, whole exhibition on its own.

The project CRYSTAL C is conceived as a diptych of a feeling and will be presented in two galleries of Museum and galleries of Ljubljana. The first part, entitled It feels like tiptoeing on the edge [of euphoric sense of beauty], will be presented at the Tobačna 001 Cultural Centre, second, A Place Where Flowers borrow colors [from Those WHO sing], at the Match Gallery.

A room.
Inside this room, another room is about to take its shape.
 : I caught a butterfly once, it almost crumbled between my fingers as I whispered: "I cannot help myself but to come again, from a place where flowers borrow colours from those who sing."
: As I kneeled to the ground I pressed my lips on his cold skin, this grey stone resting at my feet.
: They might leave, I say to myself.  They might grow a forest in between. But the melodies will remain, the clothes might grow old and tight, but the shoes will do their job. Walk my love, never stop. I keep telling myself: "Cling to that shine in their eyes; it might be the most beautiful landscape I will ever see."

Decades later, mushrooms became my skin. My head became a fist of clay and my will turned into a white flag, a large piece of silky fabric dancing in the wind. My teeth are the keys of a medieval organ, a renaissance piano, the one Bach used to play … can you ... hear the sound? I pushed the microphone deep down into my stomach; only to be closer to the core, the pulsating red core, the warmest liquid in the center of the earth. Gently showering me, what was left of me, all turned inside out like a pocket, was agua de vida. I drank gold. Have you ever seen the anthill aluminum casts? This is what it looked like when I drank gold and the cast disappeared. All in one, one body, we walk, calmly … but the rhythm of our feet thunders in the clouds, creating devastating bolts of lightning … drawings in the sky.

Notes: black pool of my consciousness (remember to look into it thoroughly). White clouds of my dreams.

A dark, deep dark purple triangle keeps on hanging in the air.

—text for the project, authors JAŠA and Nina Vidrih

JAŠA (Mrevlje-Pollak, 1978, Ljubljana), frequently works in collaborations, with Crash in Progress from 1999−2005 (Giorgio Andreotta Caló, Simone Settimo, Peter Furlan & Martina de Lugnani), and recently with Kalu, Junzi, Nina Vidrih, Mark Požlep, Jyrki Riekki and Meta Grgurevič. He lives and works in Ljubljana, Venice and New York. He works with On Stellar Rays Gallery (New York) and Rosa Lux /WEARE.


Production: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana
Curator: Michele Drascek
Collaborators: JAŠA, Michele Drascek, Nina Vidrih, Meta Grgurevič, Otto Urpelainen, Erik Vidmar, Griša Šoba, Luka Tratnik, Matevž Klanjšek, Tine Grgurevič, Nika Ravnik, Ljud, Lux & Junzi
Supported by: Weare, Delo osvobaja, Tozd
This project has been made possible by: City of Ljubljana 

Match Gallery

Trg francoske revolucije 7
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 24 12 590
T +386 1 24 12 500
E galerija.vzigalica@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Free entry.

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