Let It Be Queer!
LGBTIQ+ exhibition
Artists presented at the exhibition: Andrej Brumen Čop, Andreja Gomišček, Jasna Klančišar, Neža Knez, Andrea Knezović, Gašper Kunšič Aprilija Lužar, Miha Satler, strtgm, Filip Vurnik.
Any creation is an act also embedded in the act of evaluation, as it is always intended for people, exposed to a wider social space, subject to understanding or criticism, approval or disapproval, admiration or contempt. Form, as an integral part of any aesthetic practice, implicitly refers to something objective, firm and definable. So the form is an exhibition or placement of works of art in the exhibition space, as it places the aesthetic message in a certain, recognizable and perceptible order; layout diversity also allows for creative freedom and emphasis on the author‘s approaches.
LGBTIQ+ exhibition entitled Let It Be Queer! is a comprehensive review of gender-related creations. It presents the artistic views and thoughts of selected artists who are also socially critical, but, at the same time, develop contemporary individualised and aesthetic expression. So far, there has probably never been such a large and artistically diverse and content-oriented exhibition related to LGBTIQ+ issues in Slovenia. At the exhibition in the City Art Gallery Ljubljana, ten artists are presented, who mark and define contemporary Slovenian and wider fine art with a distinctive visual language.
Andrej Brumen Čop develops his creations in line with the events in his life. In her works, Andreja Gomišček problematizes social issues through the prism of lesbian and feminism events. Jasna Klančišar dedicates herself to documentary photography projects and is especially interested in the topics of marginalised groups. In his work, Gašper Kunšič often takes his biography as a starting point, using exhibition processes to reflect on and recontextualize the course of personal and collective history. Aprilija Lužar directs her artistic expression into formal differences and stylistic diversity while focusing the content on the position of women in society and their sexual life. Neža Knez, who, by intervening in the functions and identities of various spaces, reveals their new characteristics and questions their content outside the self-evident. Andrea Knezović creates works permeated with powerful political references to social structures and the politicisation of the intimate in the contemporary environment. Miha Satler looks for connections between the social environment and its impact on individuals. Strtgm points out contemporary and critically oriented poetics of fine arts. Filip Vurnik tackles especially the transgender topics, transgender body, transphobia and gender in relation to violence and his personal life story. The poet and writer Brane Mozetič participates in the preparation of the exhibition, the selection of authors and their works, while the introductory study on LGBTIQ+ issues belongs to the writer, researcher, curator and critic of contemporary Slovenian visual art, Domen Ograjenšek. During the exhibition, a catalogue will be published with reproductions of the installation in the premises of the City Art Gallery Ljubljana.
We hope the exhibition Let It Be Queer! with its candidness, insight, clear narrative and pure visual image contributes both current theoretical and artistic character to contemporary fine art, i.e. that the exhibition encourages with its new aesthetics and content new and new exhibitions and increasingly indepth research and analysis.
At the opening there will be a Butoh dance performance:
Jernej Škof: Encounters, gaps and traces
Music: Maja Pahor
Artists presented at the exhibition: Andrej Brumen Čop, Andreja Gomišček, Jasna Klančišar, Neža Knez, Andrea Knezović, Gašper Kunšič Aprilija Lužar, Miha Satler, strtgm, Filip Vurnik.
Production: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana Curator: dr. Sarival SosičAuthor: Brane MozetičArtists: Andrej Brumen Čop, Andreja Gomišček, Jasna Klančišar, Neža Knez, Andrea Knezović, Gašper Kunšič Aprilija Lužar, Miha Satler, strtgm, Filip VurnikIntroductory study by: Domen OgrajenšekDesign by: Ajdin Bašić Technical realization: MGML Technical Department The project was made possible by: City of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Mestni trg 5
1000 Ljubljana
General information:
T +386 1 24 11 785
E mestna.galerija@mgml.si
School programs:
T +386 1 24 12 506
E prijava@mgml.si
Public relations:
T +386 41 669 599
E mateja.dimnik@mgml.si
Opening hours
Tuesday–Sunday: 11:00–19:00
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 11:00–14:00
Free entry.
City Art Gallery Ljubljana is a dog-friendly gallery.
Press kit