After the Canal there was only "our" world
This exhibition and catalogue is an invitation to explore a variety of historical and geographical connections between Europe, especially its Easts, and the Middle East, particularly Egypt, with the Suez Canal as the trigger, while contemplating their reflections in the mirror of the present. We want to stimulate discussion about issues rippling from the Canal story, unravelling the concentric layers of references, occurrences and encounters that have sedimented in the 150 years since the Canal was inaugurated.
These are issues that continue to be relevant today, just as they were at different decisive moments throughout this common history: Orientalism (and its unchallenged relation to the Orient of Europe); migration; refugees, and the difficulty of making hospitality great again; natural resources, which are at the core of both inter-imperial rivalries and nationalist discourses; ecosystems, forever changed by human intervention; and others.
Artists presented: Ibrahim Ahmed, Amado Alfadni, Meriç Algün, Pavel Brăila, Chto delat?, Shatha Al-Deghady, Marianne Fahmy, Iulia Toma.
Cena:15 €
Število strani: 139
ISBN: 978-961-6969-37-6