
Plečnik and the Sacred

A catalogue was published with the exhibition 'Plečnik and the Sacred'. In it, the exhibition's author, Tomaž Jurca, PhD, explores Plečnik's idea of what is sacred.

"The works of Jože Plečnik are probably the best witnesses to what he considered as sacred. They serve as prayers, containing all of his beliefs, directions, and principles. With Plečnik the sacred is not tied just to the architect's piety, but also his art, personal beliefs, life views, and morals. These are all closely intertwined when it comes to Plečnik, with often hard to pinpoint borders between them. In light of common discussions on the need to separate Plečnik's faith and art, we should therefore first emphasise that our great architect can be difficult to understand if we treat the two spheres separately. Both faith and art are sacred to Plečnik, they signify the search for the highest good, the morally unblemished, the transcendent, of what is beautiful and beloved.” wrote Tomaž Jurca, PhD. 

Format: 160x250 mm, soft copy
Language: Slovene and English
N. of pages: 52
ISBN: 978-961-94350-6-9  

Price: 15 €


Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, represented by Blaž Peršin, Director

Author of the text: Tomaž Jurca
Production of the catalogue: Maja Kovač

Photographs: MGML documentation, Plečnik Collection, Tomaž Jurca, Matevž Paternoster, Anja Škerjanc, Jitka Dvořáková, National Gallery in Prague
Graphic design: Bojan Lazarevič, Agora Proars
Layout by: Marjan Božič

Language editing: Katja Paladin (slo), Matic Šavli (eng)
English translation: Tomaž Jurca 

Printing: R-tisk
Print run: 300 copies
Ljubljana, 2018

Plečnik and the Sacred