SAMO U la la ! Solo - group exhibition
The basic tendency to create works of art is always individualistic. It is born out of a personal reaction, escalated into artistic action, from a subjective point of view. This subjective level encapsulates all emotions, ideas, rationality, goals and values. Such art, unencumbered from all modern trends, is created by the self-made artist Samo.
Exhibition: 1. 7. 2021–28. 8. 2021
Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana / City Art Gallery Ljubljana
Represented by: Blaž Peršin
Za For City Art Gallery Ljubljana: Barbara Sterle Vurnik
Editor of catalogue: Sarival Sosič
Text - Diary: Sarival Sosič
English translation: Veronika Fürst Ažman, Tina Škoberne
Slovenian copy editor: Mirjam Furlan Lapanja
Photographs: Dejan Habicht, Borut Kranjc, Martin Podrzavnik, Antonio Živkovič, arhiv avtorja, Andrej Peunik (Exhibition layout)
Design and layout: Ajdin Bašić
Printed by: Cicero d.o.o. Ljubljana
Print run: 300
October 2021
Price: 15 €
Number of pages: 145
ISBN 978-961-6969-47-5
You can order your copy HERE.