
Opening of the Ljubljana Bows to Slovenia VIII: Tubolje exhibition

You are warmly invited to attend the opening of the Ljubljana Bows to Slovenia VIII: Tubolje exhibition at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 9 April 2024 in the Match Gallery, Ljubljana.

Apr 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Match Gallery
Adults, families, children, students, seniors
MIKKEL: Made in Trbovlje
MIKKEL: Made in Trbovlje © Maša Jazbec

The focus of the eighth edition of the exhibition series Ljubljana Bows to Slovenia is on Zasavje. The exhibition with a title of broad relevance, Tubolje reveals the artistic potential and cultural influences of the local districts through the works of Boris Beja, Đejmi Hadrović, Maša Jazbec, Matic Kos, Milan Razboršek and Ulla Žibert.

Why the title Tubolje? At Trbovlje railway station, when commuters are rushing off the train, one may wonder whether the sign on the board could also be read as Tubolje (HereBetter). Is it better here or is it a pain? Both, perhaps?  

All the artists presented in the exhibition weigh in their works the question of the well-being and specificity of life in Zasavje, where they tackle the Tubolje (HereBetter) through their peculiar mysticism and visions of the future. 

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