Jasna Hribernik: Lifestream II – Traces
© Damjan Švarc

Match Gallery

Trg francoske revolucije 7
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 24 12 590
T +386 1 24 12 500
E galerija.vzigalica@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Free entry.

Jasna Hribernik: Lifestream II – Traces

10. 2. 2011–10. 3. 2011

The Lifestream project was designed and premiered in 2009 at the Summe (Poletje) exhibition at the Maribor Art Gallery. This is a video installation or a video space – environmentally installed video piece, projected upon unconventional projection surfaces and submerged in an intense lighting environment within a uniform sound ambient, through witch the author reflects her intimate experience of the urban environment, in which she lives.

This line of scenes, sequentially edited in unison with the soundtrack, created an impressionistic environment that rouses active participation on the part of the viewer. He is no longer an outside observer; he enters the installation space, making the viewing an intimate, sensual, unpredictable experience.

After graduating in film directing at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana (later on she also attended a two year course at the Discovery Campus Master School in Munich), Jasna Hribernik quickly established herself as one of the most active, insightful and renowned Slovenian authors of documentary films, with a very distinctive authorial approach. Since 1985 she made almost thirty documentaries – including 45 Kilometres of Sea  (45 km morja, 1985), Bells of Chernobyl (Černobilski zvonovi, 1991), When a Ball Hit Our Heads (Ko nam je žoga padla na glavo, 2000), Tango minus 5  (Tango – 5, 2003), A Concert for Mobile Phones and an Orchestra (Koncert za mobilne telefone in orkester, 2005), The Last Boat  (Zadnji čoln, 2005), The World Didn't Know it Found itself in a Song (Svet ni vedel, da je pristal v pesmi, 2008), We Don't Want White Bread (Nočemo belega kruha, 2009) and Labyrinth (Labirint, 2009). She received numerous awards for her films, in Slovenia and internationally.

In the early 1990s Jasna Hribernik was exploring expressive possibilities of the film medium and seeking out junctions with sculpture, architecture, fine arts and music. This brought her to the field of video art – video installations or video space, as she calls them herself. According to her this art form allows democratization of the video itself, so she is frequently exploring the artistic dimensions and possibilities of the video medium. Her work with the video medium often takes her over to the filed of science. She presented more than 30 artistic videos and video installations at home and abroad. She is also producing video-scenes for theatrical plays. In 2010 she filmed her first feature film Franja.


Production: White Balance, association for visual media research
Artist: Jasna Hribernik
This project has been made possible by: City of Ljubljana, Famul Stuart School

Match Gallery

Trg francoske revolucije 7
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 24 12 590
T +386 1 24 12 500
E galerija.vzigalica@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Free entry.

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