
The relationship between language, architecture and sculpture in the work of Maruša Sagadin

An exhibition project of Maruša Sagadin: "Tivoli" is opened in CC Tobačna 001. In this project, the artist presents a series of objects titled "Lina’s Leisure Center" (Shorts), the sculpture "Extra Extra Elle" (Hungerburgbahn), and collages. The first is based on elements used by the architect Lina Bo Bardi on the façade of SESC Pompéia in Sao Pãulo (who incorporated irrational, almost postmodern moments into the modernist architecture of the aforementioned sport and cultural centre, conceived in socialist spirit “for the people”).


In her work, Maruša Sagadin centres on the relationship between language, architecture and sculpture. In doing so, she often uses puns and polysemy to start plays of association, while simultaneously providing an insight into the transition between the original idea and the final result. She draws inspiration for her ideas from architecture, but also from pop and subculture sources.

Posted: 29. 3. 2015

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