
Zmago Lenárdič: Shuffle

What is the position of the Shuffle exhibition in relation to the existing reality? Always a critical and insightful observer of reality, its everyday aspects, representations, and theoretical interpretations, Lenárdič has incorporated in his creative practice his awareness of the changes in perception and his reflections on the status of the (painterly) image, “socialized” in the broad range of visual culture.  

In his practice, Lenárdič opposes the conventions of viewing. Underpinning everything he does is the intellectual emancipation of the artistic image and the question of how an artistic image can preserve its otherness amidst equalized images, of how it can introduce the playfulness of fiction into the dominance of reality and actively involve the viewer in the effect the fiction produces. 

Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana / City Art Gallery Ljubljana
Represented by: Blaž Peršin / Alenka Gregorič
Catalogue editor: Mateja Podlesnik
Text: Nadja Gnamuš
Slovenian copy editor: Petra Zaranšek
English translation: Tamara Soban
Photography: Damjan Švarc (unless stated othervise)
Documentation: Artist's archive
Design and layout: Ajdin Bašić
Print: Formatisk d.o.o., Ljubljana
Print run: 300

Price: 12 €
No. of pages: 99
ISBN: 978-961-6587-71-6

Zmago Lenárdič: Shuffle
Zmago Lenárdič: Shuffle, 2010 © Andrej Peunik/MGML

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