
Events: Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 - 2019

Feb 2019
Lecture, Literary event, Presentation, Talk
• 7 p.m.
The opening of Jasmina Cibic 's exhibition will be accompanied by the launch of her monograph "Spielraum" co-published by: DISTANZ Verlag and BALTIC Centre For Contemporary Art, Gateshead in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade and Esker Foundation, Calgary. The event will be moderated by the curator Alessandro Vincentelli.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors
• 8 p.m.
London based Slovenian artist Jasmina Cibic is one of the leading voices in contemporary art dealing with the relationship between art and architecture with ideologies and nationhood. Cibic’s projects depart from deep engagement with archives and historical traces, which the artist embeds in immersive film installations and performative works.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors
Mar 2019
• 5 p.m.
You are kindly invited to attend public talk of the artists who are currently part of two 'artists in residency' programmes in Ljubljana. At Švicarija Creative Centre currently resides Thibault Scemama de Gialluly from Paris, while Tobacco 001 Cultural Centre hosts artist Dejan Kaludjerović from Vienna.
Švicarija / MGLC Pod turnom 4 1000 Ljubljana Odrasli, Študenti • Adults, students
Mar 2019
• 7 p.m.
The exhibition Happiness for You and Your Family is a continuation of the project Newsreel 62 from 2015. It substantively builds on the images of the past which conveyed a hopeful vision of a world without wars and confronts them with the hopeless situation of refugees on Slovenian borders in 2015.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors, visitors with disabilities
Apr 2019
Guided tour
• 5 p.m.
You are cordially invited to join us for a guided tour of the exhibition "Happiness for You and Your Family" that draws parallels between the time fragments of the past and the present in order to create a new experience in the world that is increasingly dissolving into worldlessness and to find it a more “appropriate” image.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors, visitors with disabilities
Apr 2019
• 7 p.m.
With this new edition of "Conversations: Puzzle Cubes" made in Slovenia, Kaludjerović exposes political landscapes framed by images of Slovenian natural treasures through which symptomatic details of an oppressive politics no longer remain hidden.  
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors, visitors with disabilities
Oct 2019
Lecture, Presentation, Talk
• 6:30 p.m.
Envisioned as a choreographed installation, the project refers to a number of sources including Hansen’s Open Form theory, the composition ‘Novara’ (1962) by American composer Earle Brown and the recreation of clothing left behind in a sketchbook of Antoinette van Eyck, a young student of tailoring in Maastricht in 1935.  
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, visitors with disabilities
• 7 p.m.
Calovski and Ivanoska explored Vevar’s archives, preserved by the MSUM+MG in Ljubljana, focusing on the correlation between practical and conceptual usage of the open form as well as on its notion, within the context of the archives, as a form of performative action. Vevar’s archives thus become a reflection on theatricality as a way of manifesting real life.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors, visitors with disabilities
Dec 2019
Lecture, Presentation, Talk
• 6 p.m.
Axolotl and proteus are distinguished for their longevity and even more so for their extraordinary regenerative abilities and they maintain eternal youth even in adulthood. These characteristics have made them the protagonists of ancient myths, part of cultural heritage, the national symbols of Mexico and Slovenia.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors
• 7 p.m.
Robertina Šebjanič engages in investigating living systems (bio art) and sound. Taking on the form of interactive installations on exhibition grounds, her research-based art projects primarily focus on cultural, political, and biological realities of both marine and freshwater ecosystems.
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 • Adults, students, seniors, visitors with disabilities