#SOTESKAOPEN: Guided tour of Klavdij Sluban's Elsewhere Here exhibition
As part of the #SOTESKAOPEN festival of resilience the Jakopič Gallery invites you to a free guided tour of the Klavdij Sluban's exhibition Elsewhere Here on 8 June 2024 at 4.30 p.m.
For the exhibition Elsewhere Here the photographer Klavdij Sluban and the curator Dr Marija Skočir, have conceived a completely new selection of cycles that present the highlights of more than three decades of Sluban's work in more than 150 photographs.
Sluban's way of photographing is impulsive and intuitive, often in motion, without any psychological study of the subject. The only sharpness that matters is the sharpness of feeling in symbiosis with the gaze that cuts into the vision of the shot. His photographs are landscapes inhabited by all the senses.
The retrospective exhibition Elsewhere Here is accompanied by an extensive photomontograph, which is also available as a special edition.
You can confirm your attendance by calling us at +386 1 42 54 096 (Tuesday–Sunday: 10 a.m.to 6 p.m.).