Art-poster campaign with art school students
TAM-TAM advertising pillars around Jakopič Gallery, 14-27 March 2023
On the occasion of the exhibition Ripples: A Visual Diary of Water, we will be holding an art-poster campaign on the theme of Water on Tuesday, 14 March from 10 a.m. on TAM-TAM pillars around Ljubljana in collaboration with students of different ages from ALUO, VIST, Višja strokovna šola Sežana and Srednja šola za oblikovanje in fotografijo Ljubljana and their mentors.

The art and advertising campaign on five TAM-TAM advertising pillars around the Jakopič Gallery will be in line with the sustainability orientation of our current exhibition Ripples: A Visual Diary of Water and will be implemented as much as possible by reusing different materials.
Over the course of one day, students, pupils and tutors from four art schools will transform five TAM-TAM advertising pillars around the Jakopič Gallery into artworks on the theme of Water. The action is part of the accompanying programme of the current exhibition, which we have prepared in cooperation with NOOR Images. The media partner of the project is TAM-TAM, which is recognised as a central medium for the promotion of cultural events, always aware of its responsibility towards public space, and open to new, innovative ways of advertising. They provided us with all the support we needed for the technical implementation of the campaign and helped us to resolve many outstanding issues.
We left it up to the young artists to design their own campaigns on the theme of Water. We limited them only to adhere to the principles of work that we also used in the Ripples project - i.e. to work together, to combine different skills in a group and to create works out of waste materials (at least as much as possible). The resulting projects are inspiring and you can read more about them below.
Together with the young creatives and their mentors, the campaign will try to take the first steps towards raising awareness about the importance of re-use in exhibitions and advertising campaigns, while paving the way for important reflections on alternative advertising options.
Short presentations of the projects:
Višja strokovna šola Sežana
Location of the TAM-TAM pillar: Vegova ulica - Gregorčičeva ulica
Project name: Eco-Magnet-Fishing
Project description: The idea of Eco-Magnet-Fishing was born while looking at the exhibition Ripples and thinking about the impact of water on the planet and on humans, who are almost entirely made of water. At the same time, the ripple of water is also similar to the spread of new ideas that affect masses of people.
Eco-Magnet-Fishing works on the principle of magnet fishing. A person throws a line with a magnet into the water and then pulls it dry. The pleasure and, of course, the joy of a positive action is born when catching and cleaning the water at the same time.
With the Eco-Magnet-Fishing campaign, we would like to encourage people to start cleaning up rivers, streams and the sea, following the Ripples principle, and to recycle all the waste material that will be "picked up" during the campaign.
Participating students: Marcel Kump, Blaž Stantič Kobal, Karin Vončina, Neža Pohleven, Aliy Argashokov
Mentors: Jasna Klančišar, Anton Marn, Katarina Sadovski
Srednja šola za oblikovanje in fotografijo Ljubljana
Location of the TAM-TAM pillar: Square of the French Revolution - Rimska cesta
Project name: Photogram
Project description: We made the poster by taking old drawing sheets and applying photographic emulsion. Then we made photograms with things and objects we found around the school and tried to transform them into shapes that evoke water and waves.
Participating students: Oskar Filip Aksentijecič, Tia Brzin, Maruška Gorup, Jure Merčnik, Eva Kralj Serša, Kaja Kern, Savelij Zimin, Mark Popovič, Tjaša Hozjan, Ula Prhaj, Zoja Rupar
Mentors: Nataša Košmerl and laboratory assistant Tamara Turnšek
VIST - Faculty of Applied Sciences
Location of the TAM-TAM pillar: Rimska cesta - Slovenska cesta
Project name: Touch
Project description: In their artistic action Touch, a group of students from the department of photography at VIST decided to show the human impact on local water systems. Although the Ljubljanica River is considered one of the least polluted rivers with medicinal substances in the world, there is a lot that can be hidden beneath the surface of the water. The work entitled Touch is a photogram of a hand touching the surface of the Ljubljanica, while the hand of the fabled underwater man reaches out towards it. It is both a symbolic representation and a reminder that human actions have a direct impact on all organisms living in water and that, despite growing awareness, environmental protection cannot be taken for granted. The image is created by collaging, laying and lighting discarded and waste materials on discarded wallpaper from the school studio. The artists have tried to mitigate their own impact on the urban water system by using cyanotype, which is one of the most environmentally friendly of the water-wasting photographic techniques.
Participating students: Ana Črešnar, Andrej Matjašič, Tinkara Petrič Milič, Olja Simčič Jerele, Andraž Zalokar, Patricija Zupanič
Mentors: Peter Fettich and Jasna Jernejšek
Academy of Fine Arts and Design - ALUO
Locations of the TAM-TAM pillars: Igriška ulica - Gregorčičeva ulica and Gregorčičeva ulica - Slovenska cesta
Project name: Spill
Project description: The work Spill is based on two TAM-TAM columns and reflects the phenomenon of waves. The starting point is the organic wave forms and the vibrations they leave behind. The first column shows different layers of a deformed image in moving water. In contrast, the second pillar shows a clear and refined image that can be seen in the reflection of still water. Its surface is smoothed, it has a distinct texture, which at the same time serves as a mirror.
Participating students: Eva Štupnik, Hana Podvršič, Lana Požlep, Lana Soklič, Tena Palijan, Vita Tušek, Zala Čujež
Mentor: Emina Djukić