
Tone Stojko: The Body in Play

Catalogue accompanying the "The Body in Play" exhibition by Tone Stojko. Gesture and abstraction – two dimensions typical of painting – are introduced into photography by the master of photography who has been engaged in experimenting with the female nude since the 1970s.

"Bodies disappear by blurring boundaries of a physical form. This kind of abstraction brings de-subjectivisation: all social and cultural representations are forced to take flight. The body is only allegorically shown in the interplay of light and shadow. Body silhouettes from the photographs look like pretty spectres. Although the tendency to show the naked female body as an aesthetic form is very obvious, Stojko does not frame it in a symmetrical composition because the aspect of symmetry decomposition is ever present. Blurred female bodies express their presence through mediated frozen moments of movement. The blurring of a body in an image can also be an allusion to the many obscurities of female bodies in past and present social realities. Blurring and capturing bodies in motion mutually take place along the continuum of presence – disappearance – representation."  (Dr Mojca Puncer, from the text in the catalogue)

Price: 11 €

Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Jakopič Gallery
Released: April 2011
Author of photographs: Tone Stojko
Texts: Marija Skočir, Andrej Medved, dr. Mojca Puncer
Editor: Marija Skočir
Graphic design: Bojan Lazarevič (Agora Design)
Translatation: Marjana Karer, Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi, Polona Mertelj, Ivan Markovič, Sara Trampuž
Language editing: Katja Paladin, Murray Bales, Kristina Ličen
Print: Božnar & Partner, Ljubljana
No. of copies printed: 600
No. of pages: 128
No. of reproductions: 82

Tone Stojko: The Body in Play
© Matevž Paternoster/MGML