
Jože Suhadolnik: ALBUM, Neue Slowenische Kunst

The "Jože Suhadolnik: ALBUM, Neue Slowenische Kunst" exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue with 59 reproductions of Suhadolnik’s photographs.  

"At first sight, the series of photographs conveys a purified horizontal route of the Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) movement and various manifestations of its constitutive groups, i.e. Laibach, IRWIN and the Scipion Nasice Sisters Theatre. However, the series also presents, perhaps in a more concealed manner, the vertical route, i.e. the route showing the NSK movement as a complex phenomenon which from the outset has been dismantling the borders of visual art. What is more, it has left a significant mark on the broader cultural context and actively intervened in other social spheres. The frozen photographic images created by Jože Suhadolnik are not intended as a chronicle of the Neue Slowenische Kunst movement; they are much more images narrating stories about spaces, people and moments. And yet these very same stories will appear completely different to each viewer. After all, this is an album." ( Tevž Logar, from the text in the catalogue)

Price: 12 €

Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Jakopič Gallery
Released: January 2012
Author of photographs: Jože Suhadolnik
Texts: Marija Skočir, Tevž Logar
Editor: Marija Skočir
Translation: Marjana Karer
Slovenian language editing: Katja Paladin
English language editing: Murray Bales
Graphic design: Bojan Lazarevič (Agora Design)
Print: Božnar & Partner, Ljubljana
No. of copies: 400
No. of copies printed: 152
No. of reproductions: 59

Jože Suhadolnik: ALBUM, Neue Slowenische Kunst
© Matevž Paternoster/MGML