

Živko Kladnik
Retrospective collage exhibition
Živko KladnikMidlife
24. 3. 2021–19. 5. 2021
The 28th exhibition in the series of visual poetry shows at the Bežigrad galleries in Ljubljana is dedicated to the memory of Živko Kladnik (1948–2017), one of our most important authors of visual poetry. The first retrospective exhibition will present eighteen collages, created by the artist at the start of the 21st century. A characteristic of his collages is the density of scraps and cuttings from newspapers and magazines, pasted on basic surfaces or blind frames.
Mini Theater
40 Years From Sketch to Puppet
Mini Theater
3. 2. 2021–10. 3. 2021
Upon the fortieth anniversary of the From Sketch to Puppet at Bežigrad Gallery 1 and upon the twentieth anniversary of Mini teater, a theatre for puppet and theatre performances, the exhibition presents the  creators of the flat puppets and artistic concepts for puppet performances, Iva-Matija Bitanga with the performance The Brave Adventures of a Little Shoemaker and Ana Viktorova with the performance The Tale of Tsar Saltan. On display are sketches, puppets, stage props and photographs, which are a depiction of the process of creating a piece of artwork, from its conception to the puppet performance.
Lučka Šparovec
Drawings, paintings and objects 2016–2018
Lučka ŠparovecLove is Blue
16. 9. 2020–22. 10. 2020
The artist’s artworks can be summarised with one word – integration. The lines and surfaces of her works are integrated into a new art world, one that is distinct of the artist’s life. Integration and never overlapping should be the essence of this world and beyond, where art enhances the meaning of life. This is exactly what the artworks of Lučka Šparovec are and what they depict.
Nina Čelhar
Paintings 2013-2020
Nina ČelharPersonal Residences
2. 6. 2020–30. 6. 2020
A representative of the younger generation, whose recognisable art style, which we have been meeting since her beginnings, consists of typical landscapes full of subdued colours and softly rounded exteriors. At the exhibition, she is presenting her paintings from 2013 to 2020, which focus on her views of interiors.Since we want to make sure you have a safe visit, please follow the instructions below.
Živko Marúšič
Drawings, prints and paintings 1977–1980
Živko MarúšičDrawing nearer
5. 2. 2020–6. 3. 2020
The exhibition presents some of Marúšić’s less known works from the 1977s, coming from the collections of the Piran Coastal Galleries and private collections. During this period, the artist worked on drawing and painting images, which were based on zooming in and out as perceived by a camera lens. Particular to these works is a bird’s eye view, in which human figures and street objects create the impression of a tranquil levitation.
Živko Kladnik (1948–2017)
Živko Kladnik (1948–2017)In the Midst of the World 1971–2016
13. 11. 2019–24. 12. 2019
The memorial exhibition of poetry and a retrospective of traditional, visual, and concrete poetry, art interventions and performances of Živko Kladnik from 1970 to 2016. It is the 28rd edition of the cycle of presentations of visual and concrete poetry at the Bežigrad Gallery.
From Sketch to Puppet and Paintings
From Sketch to Puppet and PaintingsPuppet Theatre ZAPIK
18. 9. 2019–30. 10. 2019
Having been staged annually by Bežigrajska galerija 1 ever since 1980, the traditional From Sketch to Puppet exhibition presents an overview of how an artwork is made, from the puppet sketch, scenery and scenic elements to the final product.This year's exhibition focusing on the Zapik puppet theatre is dedicated to puppet techniques using which Igor Cvetko and Jelena Sitar explore the medium of puppet theatres. One of their techniques of choice is the Japanese Kamishibai theatre.
Josip Korošec
Paintings and drawings1982–2017
Josip KorošecRememberings
29. 5. 2019–30. 6. 2019
His drawings are specific, drawn as if on a translucent membrane on an illuminated field. The works exhibited are from the period 1982–2017, during which the author was focusing on drawing images of plants and various fragments taken from nature.
Katarina Toman Kracina
Katarina Toman KracinaBig picture
20. 3. 2019–3. 5. 2019
The first overview exhibition of Katarina Toman Kracina’s work focuses on the painter's small and large-scale paintings on canvas, and her objects. Characterising her works are complex connections with the creation of a full spatial design. The artist's works preserve memories of individual events and fulfilled wishes.She leads a multifaceted life combining motherhood, partnership, work, household chores and art: what she observes and admires, what she creates, and what is subject to her restoration endeavours. Despite being a trained painter, she often incorporates sculpture and spatial installations into her paintings and drawings. Her exhibitions are typically ambient installations inviting spectators into her personal and emotional spaces.
Boris Gaberščik
Photographs 2018
Boris GaberščikThe Fruits of a Lengthy Experience
23. 1. 2019–28. 2. 2019
Presentation of most recent works by Boris Gaberščik, a photographer committed to the tradition of photography. Using completely analogue black-and-white photography to portray the world of everyday objects and inanimate nature, he nevertheless applies innovative creative approaches. He created these photographs specifically for this exhibition called The Fruit of a Long Experience in Bežigrad Gallery 1. 
Studio Sigmun
Pregledna razstava
Studio SigmunImages of Alphabet / Paintings, visual poetry, books, anthologies, photographss, collages
28. 11. 2018–4. 1. 2019
The traditional annual exhibition of visual and concrete poetry presents art campaigns and photographs by Studio Signum founding members Živko Kladnika, Nejč Slapar and Franci Zagoričnk from the period between. Studio Signum included: Živko Kladnik (1948–2017), Nejč Slapar (1945), Franci Zagoričnik (1933–1997), Lilijana Grašič (1958), Janez Horvat (1946–2008), Irma Kern (1958), Gordana Kunaver (1947–1992), Darja Polajnar (1954), Gašper Starc (1952), Orest (1960) in Egist (1968) Zagoričnik. 
From a Sketch to a Puppet
Traditional exhibition
From a Sketch to a PuppetAnimals
30. 8. 2018–7. 11. 2018
The exhibition entitled ‘From Sketch to Puppet’ presents the authors of sketches for puppet, scene and costume designs they made for the performances at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre from the end of the 20th century to 2012.
Andrej Brumen Čop
Andrej Brumen ČopA Thousand Cranes
23. 5. 2018–30. 6. 2018
An overview of works by one of the most renowned artists of Slovenian contemporary art. The exhibition presents paintings, watercolours, and books from the painter’s different creative periods, from 2012–2016.
I Construct a Painting as a Building in Space
I Construct a Painting as a Building in SpaceDrawings and tempera 1988-2017
14. 3. 2018–4. 5. 2018
The exhibition of drawings, watercolours and tempera paintings is one of now rare solo shows by the artist, who was already making important artworks in the 1970s.
Milena Gregorčič: Lines of Spaces
Milena Gregorčič: Lines of SpacesPaintings
17. 1. 2018–28. 2. 2018
The exhibition of works from Milena Gregorčič's last creative period, marked by elongated and translucent painting surfaces within floating spatial arrangements. 
Tina Konec: Lines
Tina Konec: LinesDrawings 2015–2017
22. 11. 2017–24. 12. 2017
The overview exhibition of the young artist presents a selection of smaller and larger monochromatic drawings, 123 drawings in ink and pencil, all from the 2015–2017 period. The author sees the drawing as a basis for future works or an independent artwork.
From a Sketch To a Puppet
From a Sketch To a PuppetMaribor Puppet Theatre
31. 8. 2017–9. 11. 2017
The traditional annual presentation of Slovenian puppetry "From a Sketch to a Puppet", now in its 37th edition, is presenting the Maribor Puppet Theatre. This year's exhibition is complemented by video recordings of shows in which puppets were designed by Ančka Gošnik - Godec, Jože Logar, Iztok Hrga, Damijan Stepančič, Viktor Šest and Breda Varl.
Franci Zagoričnik: Images of Words
Franci Zagoričnik: Images of Words1962–1997
17. 5. 2017–30. 6. 2017
An exhibition of visual poetry, books, anthologies, photos, colllages, mail art one of the most prominent avant-garde artists of the 20th century. In the WEST EAST anthologies, which he compiled together with his family, he collected and published works of artists from all over the world. Their artwork was exhibited in numerous exhibitions in Slovenia and elsewhere.
Ida Brišnik Remec: Transparencies
Drawings and paintings 1976-2017
Ida Brišnik Remec: TransparenciesDrawings and paintings 1976-2017
29. 3. 2017–4. 5. 2017
The translucent creations of Ida Brišnik Remec reveal her desire to achieve eternity through the contours of objects and scenes, and to embark on journeys into supernatural eternity.
Rajko Apollonio: Covert physicalities
likovna razstava
Rajko Apollonio: Covert physicalitiesPaintings 2013–2016
15. 2. 2017–21. 3. 2017
The display of the four-year creative period between 2013 and 2016 is presented by two series of paintings titled "Be the Knife for Me" and "I Comprehend with my Body".

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